The Start of Something Great!
Welcome to SpazzyCatDesign LLC, we sell tumblers and designs for tumblers. I decided to start a blog because it seems like a fun thing to do and wanted to reach out to you, our customers, on a personal level instead of just like most companies which do not show the personal side of the business.
My wife and I started our company almost 2 years ago. My wife has been trying to find a way to stop working for the "man" and wanted to work for herself, so she had been contemplating starting a business, but she just didn't know what kind of business to get into. One day she came to me and showed me a video of a person on a social media post heat pressing a tumbler. She said that she would like to do this as a business. I had been doubtful of trying to open a business since the first day she mentioned it but when she showed me the post I decided to look into it. After a few days of talking things over and investigating costs and what was involved in starting a company, we launched our business.
Our first attempt of success was in October 2022. We started creating digital designs on a program and put them on our newly created storefront on Etsy. Our first designs were Christmas designs because we just missed the Halloween season. Our first sale of one of the designs was pretty basic but we still got our first sale.
This was the first design we sold.
That first sale launched us into what we are today. We are still a small business, but we are growing and continue to grow and evolve. Six months after that first sale, my wife and I decided to expand our business, and we started pressing our designs on tumblers. The evolution of our company and brand has been slow and discouraging at times but we have stuck with it and have started to see positive results. Please stick with us as we continue on our journey and try to deliver the best products to you, our customer. You are what matter to us.
Thank you, Bryan